V minulom
príspevku som vám spomínala, že som si nechávala ušiť nový flaušový kabát. Túto sobotu
sa mi ho konečne podarilo nafotiť. Keď som rozmýšľala nad tým, aký to bude
tentorkát vo farbe som mala jasno. Čím som si nebola stále istá bolo strihové
riešenie. Keďže preferujem jednoduché strihy aj tento raz som tomu ostala
verná. Kabát je z flaušového materiálu, má dvojradové zapínanie, je bez goliera, vďaka členenie pekne
tvaruje postavu. V lete som si veľmi obľúbila kvetované nohavice (mohli ste ich
vidieť TU), a tak ani na jeseň či zimu som sa ich nechcela vzdať. Tento krát
som siahla po tmavších farbách, a vďaka kvetom vo vínových odtieňoch krásne
ladia s mojim novým kabátom. Celý outfit som doplnila čiernymi čižmami a
listovou kabelkou s vybíjaním.
The last post was about coats and as I wrote you, there will be also a new coat i want to write about. This saturday there was finally time to make some photos. When I was thinking what kind of coat my mom will make for me this year. I was sure I wanted burgundy color but I was not sure about the style. I prefer very simple and chic fit. The coat have a double line of bottons, is without colar and has a nice shaped figure. During the summer I was wearing flowers pans and I really like it. Therefore I have new one but darker which looks very nice with my new coat. This time I took black boots and small black bag with gold details.
The last post was about coats and as I wrote you, there will be also a new coat i want to write about. This saturday there was finally time to make some photos. When I was thinking what kind of coat my mom will make for me this year. I was sure I wanted burgundy color but I was not sure about the style. I prefer very simple and chic fit. The coat have a double line of bottons, is without colar and has a nice shaped figure. During the summer I was wearing flowers pans and I really like it. Therefore I have new one but darker which looks very nice with my new coat. This time I took black boots and small black bag with gold details.