Weekend with family

by - štvrtok, októbra 18, 2012

Nemôžem uveriť tomu, že som už z domu viac ako 10 rokov. Preto ma veľmi potešilo, keď ma minulý víkend prišli navštíviť moji rodičia. Bolo to super, prechádzky v meste, nákupy s maminou, posedenia v kaviarniach a večera v reštaurácíí Ambiente.
Tu je niekoľko fotografií :)

I can not believe, that I am away from home more then 10 years. Thats why I was very happy, when they came to visit me. Last weekend was very nice with them.
We were for a walk in center, for shoping with my mam of course :) and for dinner to a very good restaurant Ambiente.
Here you can see a few pictures from that time :)

Black jacket: MargiFashion

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