Autumn look

by - nedeľa, septembra 02, 2012

Myslím, že letu už nadobro odzvonilo, preto som oprášila šaty, ktoré som si nechávala ušiť ešte minulý rok. Sú ideálne nielen počas príjemnej teplej jesene, ale tiež počas chladnejších dní. Do práce sú ideálne hlavne vďaka použitému materiálu - úpletu.
Doplnky sú znovu z dielne mojej šikovnej kamarátky Stanky.
Ako sa Vám páči môj prvý jesenný outfit?

I think summer's gone that's why I took out from my wardrobe one dress from the last autumn which my mom designed and made for me. It is ideal for warm autumn days and also for colder ones. It is good also to wear for going to work because of its material.
Accessories are again from my friend Stanka. 
What do you thing about my first autumn outfit?

Dresses: MargiFashion
Accessories: Stanka

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7 komentářů

  1. Thank you very much ... you have also new follower.
    I hope you will continue to visit my blog :)

  2. such a pretty dress and heels!!
    you look lovely.

    LOVE BO,

  3. Really beautiful dress, how talented your Mum is! And I love the yellow accents and those earrings... I want a pair!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
    Also, I have a new facebook page, I hope you like it :)

  4. Love your dress!
    Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC??


    Ohhh by the way we have a great giveaway on at the moment!


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